HVAC Examples

How Does Air Conditioning Work?

When an air conditioner gives out, usually in the middle of a sweltering summer, we are quickly reminded how much we depend on air conditioning systems to keep us comfortable. Those of us who are not heating or cooling professionals do not always understand how air conditioning works, so let’s delve into that process in this guide.

In short, air conditioners make your home cooler. Using three key parts — a compressor, condenser, and evaporator — air conditioners draw heat energy from the house

Heating and Cooling Through PAs Four Distinct Seasons of blog

Dynamic seasons engulf Pennsylvanians in deep natural beauty and an array of adventurous activities available each calendar year. Enticing as those characteristics may be, the biting winter cold and harsh summer humidity can make you think twice about how “great” having four distinct seasons actually is, especially when your heater dies on a frostbitten winter night or the AC checks out after a summer run. Even if you can endure being physically uncomfortable until the repair crew can fit you i